Waxed shoelaces

High quality waxed cotton shoelaces that come in 14 different colours and lengths between 60 to 180 cm. Find out more info

  • Wax Shoelace - Round Ø3mm


1 Item

These laces have the durability and style your shoes need. With their waxed sheen, they look polished, are water resistant and repel dust. A variety of colours and lengths are available, so you will find a round waxed shoelace for any pair of shoes.

They come in a variety of rainbow hues and neutral colours. Available in different widths, you can select the size that works best for your shoes. Because they're made from durable cotton and protected by an attractive outer layer, they last longer than regular cotton shoelaces. Every time you lace up your shoes, you'll get a perfect fit that stays all day, because they don't stretch. They look great and work hard for you. Get your pair now!
